Follow the steps below to get started.
It is mandatory that all applicants and their legal guardian attend an orientation. Orientations are being conducted virtually through Microsoft teams, or in-person at designated locations.
Schedule an orientationThe application is now online. When you “Schedule an Orientation” you will be required to provide an email address. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to access the orientation and a link to “ParentVue (Edupoint)”, the online platform where our application is located. You may register and apply immediately or wait until the orientation is completed.
All applicants that have attended an orientation will be assigned a case-manager, who will assist in the application completion process. Please ensure you have signed all forms requiring your signature. Applications will be submitted through “ParentVue EduPoint”.
OYCP does not accept responsibility for lost applications. It is your responsibility to ensure we have received your full complete application. Eligible applicants who meet our “immediate select” criteria may be selected immediately upon receipt and Director approval of their application. Immediate select criteria are explained at orientation. The sooner your application is completed, the better. Please don’t delay!
OYCP has space for 180 Cadets, comprised of 3 Platoons of 60. Our ratio of male and female cadets will be determined by the number of applications received by male and female applicants. Selection of candidates will be accomplished prioritizing applicants on a combination of grade level and academic standing, (credits achieved) selecting those applicants who are most behind in high school credits to those who are least behind in high school credits.
Applicants who have submitted a complete application, have been selected and verbally accepted an offer to attend the program will be emailed an invitation letter. This letter will be sent at a minimum of 10 days prior to the start date. It is important to follow the detailed instructions in the invitation.
Please call or email our Admissions Department if you have further questions at the contact information below:
541-317-9623 ext 223
OYCPAdmissions@omd.oregon.govWe provide the opportunity for you to change, but ultimately it is your choice if you want to change and be successful in life. Over 200,000 youth (nationwide) just like you, chose to be successful. Choose to succeed. When you graduate from OYCP you will have significantly increased your math, reading, and English skills. You will have had the opportunity to recover high school credits or earn an educational credential. You will be a better person with more self-confidence and self-esteem. You will have a plan in place to be successful in life. Lastly, you will discover the real you.