Module 11
Policies and Laws
- Understand reportable incidents and issues
- Know who to contact when there is a situation
- Understand what OYCP may share with the mentor
- OYCP Staff and Mentors will set the example for cadets.
- All mentors are required to report instances of neglect and abuse.
- OYCP is limited on information released to a mentor.
Hands-Off Leadership – National Guard Bureau (NGB) and OYCP Policy
- The Challenge Program maintains a strict “Hands-Off Policy,” outlined in a May 2015 policy letter. This policy clearly states that no staff or cadre member may touch a cadet or use abusive language as a means of coercion.
- Challenge staff are expected to lead through positive methods that do not include the use of physical force or verbal abuse. Use of such tactics must be considered a leadership failure.
- Challenge staff must set the example and act/talk like the cadets are expected to act/talk. This should be a “do as I do” standard.
- If a cadet reports a violation directly to you, which has not been previously reported by the cadet, please call the Company Commander at 541-317-9623, Ext 0 – Ask for the on-duty Company Commander. If the cadets is in the 12-month Post Residential Phase (hometown) please call the RPM Supervisor at 541-317-9623 Ext 225.
- As an OYCP Mentor, it is important to remember you should set the example for cadets to follow.
Mandatory Reporter – NGB and State of Oregon requirements
- A person who is legally obligated to report suspicions of child neglect or abuse to relevant authorities based on their job or profession (i.e. doctors, counselors, educators, law enforcement).
- As an OYCP Mentor, you may not enter into a promise of secrecy if a cadet confides in you an instance of neglect or abuse. You must report abuse to the local authorities or the Oregon DHS Abuse Hotline at 800.509.5439 toll free 7 days a week, 24 hours daily.
Confidentiality – Family Education Right and Policy Act (FERPA) & Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- We cannot share educational, medical, or personally identifiable information (i.e. birth dates, medical conditions or medications, driver’s license info).
- We can share directory information or problems identified within the mentorship.Cadets may share FERPA and HIPPA information with you.